Blog Post

An Interview with Marketing Director Liz Kemper

What do you like about working at Lindley Law?

I have never worked for a small law firm before and I absolutely love it. I wish I’d done it years ago. There’s something exciting about being a part of a relatively new firm where we are all working as a team to figure out how to strengthen the firm and make our clients happy.

Most of our clients are individuals or small business owners who have very real problems that we help them solve as efficiently as possible.  In previous jobs, most of the clients my companies served were very large banks or corporations and it wasn’t very personal. I feel like we fight for the little guy whether we’re defending an individual or business from a lawsuit or pursuing justice on their behalf. It’s a good feeling.

How long have you worked here?

I started with the firm on March 17th, 2016 and worked until mid-October of that year. I have been out of the office for the past three months on maternity leave taking care of my newborn daughter, Eve, and have only recently returned. She is the light of my life and it is so fun to watch her grow, but it’s also really nice to come to work and participate in society.

What did you do prior to working at Lindley Law?

After passing the bar in North Carolina, my first job was at the North Carolina Center on Actual Innocence. I only worked there for about six months before I moved to California for a while, but they were six great months. While there, I worked extensively on the case of Greg Taylor who was wrongfully convicted of the murder of a Raleigh woman. He was the first man declared legally innocent in North Carolina by a panel of three judges. It was truly the most wonderful moment of my life up to that point. I would strongly encourage anyone reading this to visit their website, read about their work, and donate to the cause. They’re a small non-profit organization that is doing amazing things and they deserve your support.

I never really went to law school with the intent on becoming a lawyer. I had a degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, but knew that getting a law degree would help me be more marketable. To be honest, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do which led to me doing electronic discovery for four years. In my third year doing this kind of work, I was hired on as a staff attorney. While it was more interesting and entailed more responsibility, I knew I couldn’t do it forever and decided to quit in search of something else. That’s when I landed at Lindley Law.

What is your favorite part of your job?

Three things – I like that no two days are ever the same. I never know what new client is going to call or what news story may come out to do a blog about. Civil litigation is exciting because there’s always something happening. We have lots of cases at various stages of the process. It keeps it interesting. I can honestly say that I am never bored and after spending the last four years doing document review, it’s a very welcome change.

The second thing I like is writing for the blog. While it can be difficult to sometimes figure out a topic, once I do, they mostly just write themselves. I really enjoy writing and am so happy that someone is paying me, at least in part, to write for a living.

Finally, I love interacting with our clients and referral attorneys. From the first phone call to the end of their representation, I am involved in facilitating communication and helping them in any way I can. Many of our clients have never been involved in litigation before, so I walk them through the logistics of hiring a lawyer so they feel more comfortable with what, initially, can be a daunting process. I try to find the common ground with them, whether it’s being a new mom, a UNC fan, or a dog lover.

What do you do at Lindley Law?

I am the Marketing Director, Office Manager, and Jack of All Trades.  As the marketing director, my goal is to increase our client base so we can grow as a firm.  I play a supporting role in Trey, Satie, and Ryan’s self-marketing efforts and networking.  I am also overseeing several projects that we are all working on as a team.

As the office manager, I handle most of the day-to-day operations that keep the firm going, whether it’s talking to prospective clients, making sure our calendars are all up-to-date, filing documents in court, or communicating with clients.

What kinds of marketing initiatives is the firm working on?

I’m currently working on setting up Lunch and Learns so we can introduce ourselves to communities that may need our services one day, but really, they’re designed help educate people and provide access to legal information.

We are also looking into sponsorship opportunities, working on our online presence, and reworking our social media strategy. There’s never a dull moment.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Primarily, my time away from work is spent with my husband as we navigate the joys and challenges of raising a four month old baby girl and a three year old Basset hound (Maggie). We have always loved dining out and still make a point to do so. It’s harder now, so we’ve started hosting our friends and families for dinner. I enjoy watching sports, especially UNC basketball and Carolina Panthers football. I am in a book club that I’m getting back into. My favorite afternoon alone consists of a manicure and a massage.

What is one fact that not everyone knows about you?

Every Sunday, I do the New York Times crossword puzzle in pen, but only because pencil is hard to see on the glossy pages where the puzzle is printed. I don’t finish all of them on my own, but I do complete about one out of four entirely unaided. It’s my favorite part of the week.

Did you interview yourself? Tell the truth. 

Yes. Yes, I did. The lawyers are busy working for the clients right now.