• Blog Post

    Stormy Daniels and Uber: How Nondisclosure Agreements Affect Your Rights

    Lately the term “non-disclosure agreements” (or “NDAs”)  have inundated the news. These secretive agreements are now forefront in headlines about Stormy Daniels’ alleged affair with President Trump and Uber’s evolving corporate culture in response to claims of sexual harassment and discrimination. This has left many non-lawyers wondering: why do parties enter non-disclosure agreements and how do these agreements work? NDAs are contractual agreements designed to keep specified information confidential.  Such agreements list and/or describe the information prohibited from disclosure and the punishment for disclosing such information, often, a large sum of money known as liquidated damages.  Generally, parties are free to enter a non-disclosure agreement regarding any information, except that…

  • Blog Post

    Stormy Daniels and Uber: How Nondisclosure Agreements Affect Your Rights

    Lately the term “non-disclosure agreements” (or “NDAs”)  have inundated the news. These secretive agreements are now forefront in headlines about Stormy Daniels’ alleged affair with President Trump and Uber’s evolving corporate culture in response to claims of sexual harassment and discrimination. This has left many non-lawyers wondering: why do parties enter non-disclosure agreements and how do these agreements work? NDAs are contractual agreements designed to keep specified information confidential.  Such agreements list and/or describe the information prohibited from disclosure and the punishment for disclosing such information, often, a large sum of money known as liquidated damages.  Generally, parties are free to enter a non-disclosure agreement regarding any information, except that…

  • Blog Post

    Seven Rules for Being an Attorney-In-Fact

              Your aging parents just appointed you as their attorney-in-fact– now what? It is important to keep in mind a few simple rules to stay within the bounds of the law.   Rule #1: Act in the principal’s best interests.             The principal is the person that appoints the attorney-in-fact and specifies the financial authority they possess.  Acting in the principal’s best interest is the golden rule of being an attorney-in-fact.  For every situation in which you may exercise your rights in that capacity, ask yourself these three (3) questions:   Is taking this action in the best interest of the…