When advising clients and drafting employment contracts with non-compete clauses, there are several things every lawyer should keep in mind. The general rule is courts will enforce non-compete clauses to the extent they are reasonably necessary to protect legitimate business interests.[1] In North Carolina, they must be (1) in writing and (2) signed by the parties.[2] The following seven tips will strengthen a typical non-compete agreement and increase its likelihood of enforceability in a court of law: 1. Know Your State’s Disclosure Requirements Some, but not all, states require employers to disclose the existence of a non-compete clause…
The Strict Blue Pencil Doctrine is Alive and Well in NC Courts
In a time where pencils and pens are quickly being replaced by keyboards, styli, and even one’s own fingers, the North Carolina Supreme Court ruled last week that the strict blue pencil doctrine remains alive and well – at least when it comes to non-compete clauses in employment agreements. The blue pencil doctrine originated in 1961 and essentially states that if a non-compete clause in an employment contract is “unreasonably broad,” then the Court has the power to use its blue pencil to literally strike the over broad provisions from the contract. Last week, in Beverage Sys. Of the…